of weeds.
After the grass all died I rented a sod lifter and cut all of it out. You can somewhat see the rows of pulled up grass and the sod lifter to the right. I rented mine from Home Depot. It was the smaller version and I had no issue using it on my own.
My first flower bed created was along the fence. I had a lot of river rocks in my yard when I bought the house. They were randomly placed so I moved them to create a border. Before the rocks were placed I used the black bed border which I had to dig down to place in.
It turned out quite nice.
Once the yard was leveled out I layed down the sod. It was still a little low in the corner and I did end up adding more soil. I left the spaces on the left open because that is where I am putting patios and flower beds. I left the sod undisturbed and watered it for a week.
Next, I placed in the edging for the flower beds and then the patios.
Once the borders for the flower beds were in place and measured out, I layed down the gravel. I rented a tamper from Home Depot to really pack it down.
Now that the gravel mix was well tamped down I put in the brick border and decided on the pattern I wanted for my patio. Looking back I should have dug down a little deeper so that I could have layed another layer of gravel down on top of the border.
I filled in the empty space behind the patios with gravel. On the second patio I used a few of the large paving stones. It allowed a space for my daughter to use her sidewalk chalk.
I also placed bricks to add to the edging of the flower beds. I used some of the top soil for the flower beds.
I absolutely love the outcome!!!